Interview: hiMe printed the book of her story as a Refugee — Blookup Blog

Summer is light and joyful, but many things can happen under the sun. Some are less light, but are also essential to know, essential to History and Memory. It might take a while, but things do get lighter and sunnier when you begin to write them down. hiMe, from the blog A Refugee’s Journey, shares all that…

via Interview: hiMe printed the book of her story as a Refugee — Blookup Blog

A different kind of Asian

We "Asians" are not all the same.

We “Asians” are not all the same.

Are you able to tell us apart?
A refugee with a sad history,
Who rebuilt their life from a poor start,
And the communist that’s much wealthy,
Who emigrated in a move so smart.
It’s too bad that we all look the same,
“Asian” is the tag we can claim! But wait there’s more!

A dream

Till today I feel a sense of failure, guilt and grief that I had lost a friendship and that I was insensitive enough to ask my friend about her dream. (Picture of Thai pirate's boats - after being radioed by the others - attacked a Vietnamese refugee boat)

Till today I feel a sense of failure, guilt and grief that I had lost a friendship and that I was insensitive enough to ask my friend about her dream. (Picture of Thai pirate’s boats – after being radioed by the others – attacked a Vietnamese refugee boat)

<<Facts, pictures and video clips related to the story – the tragedies that struck the Vietnamese refugees.>>

Comments about this post on ABC Open 500 words – Failure.

Arriving from Terengganu, I spent three months on Pulau Bidong Island before moving to Sungei Besi Transit Camp, Kuala Lumpur.

On the island, survivors of traumatic sea journeys were pointed out to me on two occasions. But wait there’s more!

A dream’s related information


<<Story related to the information>>

Photos of Thai pirates attacked Vietnamese refugee boats.




“WASHINGTON, Jan. 10— Nguyen Tien Hoa says he escaped from Vietnam in mid-November aboard a 50-foot boat that carried about 75 refugees, more than half of them women and children.

By the end of the month, Mr. Hoa, 31 years old, wounded, distraught and alone in a disabled vessel with his 10-year-old brother, drifted ashore in Malaysia, where the boy died of shock and untended injuries. But wait there’s more!

I will live

Love for my family gave me more courage to live. (People in picture: Mum, Dad, Mum's two younger sisters, 11-year-old hiMe, hiMe's 9-year-old and 7-year-old sisters. Picture taken in 1973 at Tan Son Nhat airport, Saigon when Dad was to fly to New Jersey, USA to attend the one-year study of the Communications Electronics Engineer Course.)

Love for my family gave me more courage to live.
(People in picture: Mum, Dad, Mum’s two younger sisters, 11-year-old hiMe, hiMe’s 9-year-old and 7-year-old sisters. Picture taken in 1973 at Tan Son Nhat airport, Saigon when Dad was to fly to New Jersey, USA to attend the one-year study of the Communications Electronics Engineer Course.)

Comments about this post on ABC Open 500 words – Things we do for love.

I wish I could turn back the time so that,
I would then push my Dad to quickly flee.
“Run, Dad, and save your life no matter what!
The Communists won’t spare you, let hear me!
Commander’s duty – you fulfilled at last,
We don’t want you killed – let hear us all plea!
You’re not safe but we are, so let’s run fast!”
(Terza-Rima-style poem) But wait there’s more!

Foot voting

I didn't protest against the maltreatment the communists gave my family in particular and the families of pre-1975-Saigon's high-ranking military men in general. Instead I voted with my feet and left the country.

I didn’t protest against the maltreatment the communists gave my family in particular and the families of pre-1975-Saigon’s high-ranking military men in general. Instead I voted with my feet and left the country.

Comments about this post on ABC Open 500 words – An act of rebellion.

In 1979, as a high-ranking military man, Dad had been in jail for four years and we didn’t know when or if he’d be released.

Our family faced the daily threat of having our assets taken and being sent to undeveloped land of new economic zones. But wait there’s more!

Those Scary Moments

There were many scary moments that I can still vividly remember: the "Tet Offensive" in 1968 when VCs exchanging fires with GIs in front of my house, the dying moment of Saigon when rockets were raining indiscriminately onto the districts, ....

There were many scary moments that I can still vividly remember: the “Tet Offensive” in 1968 when VCs exchanging fires with GIs in front of my house, the dying moment of Saigon when rockets were raining indiscriminately onto the districts, ….

<<Facts, pictures, video clips related to the story – The Vietnamese gulags where political prisoners were tortured by the communists.>>

Comments regarding this post on ABC Open 500 words – A scary moment.

When she was six, in nineteen sixty-eight,
VCs attacked on Chinese New Year date.
Gunfire between the VCs and GIs,
Hiding in the house, she saw with own eyes. But wait there’s more!