Dark Red shadows poem


(Vietnamese-luc-bat-style poem)

<<Story related to the poem>>

My thanks, you take me in,
Give me freedom akin to gold.
Government who uphold,
Human rights and untold fairness.
A country that’s classless,
Democracy, frankness and care,
Are best practiced affairs,
Plus racism just dare not grow.

Image credit
by Christopher Chan.


Dark Red shadows

I came to Australia to escape the communist hell, but many knew that some of those demons made the journey too.

I came to Australia to escape the communist hell, but many knew that some of those demons made the journey too.

Comments about this post on ABC Open 500 words – How I came here.

After the Fall of Saigon, my father was ill-treated in communist hard-labour camps, where many of his colleagues died, because he was a Signal Corps Lieutenant Colonel. Many former military officers’ houses were forfeited, and their families were forced to relocate to the new economic zones.

The local government told Mum they wanted to take two storeys of our four-storey house and turn it into an administration office. Mum realised that their next step would be stripping us of our house completely and forcing us to move. At the time Mum had approximately 7kg of gold – earned from years working as children’s wear producer/wholesaler – stockpiled and hidden, so she took some and bribed the local officials to leave our house alone. Then, together with her sister, Mum opened a ‘co-operative clothing factory’ at our house. Regardless, the fear of losing the house never left our minds. But wait there’s more!

A tale of the chosen

A pattern of being chosen and falling victim kept repeating on me. This time I turned the tables on fate.

A pattern of being chosen and falling victim kept repeating on me. This time I turned the tables on fate.

Comments about this post on ABC Open Drum – Casual racism.

I was paralysed with fear and sat through the meeting with my lab manager, looking down at the floor, saying nothing, until there was a long silence and we left the room.

I wanted to talk to someone about the stress I was enduring but also was afraid they couldn’t keep it secret, sparking uncontrollable rumours in the office.
I ended up keeping everything to myself. But wait there’s more!

Canberra and I

Canberra, I’ve been with you for nearly twenty-five years. I’ve seen you change the older you became. I remember the first time I met you, the time I fell in love with you.

Canberra, I’ve been with you for nearly twenty-five years. I’ve seen you change the older you became. I remember the first time I met you, the time I fell in love with you.

Comments about this post on ABC Open 500 words – New in town.

Canberra, I’ve been with you for nearly twenty-five years. I’ve seen you change the older you became. I remember the first time I met you, the time I fell in love with you. But wait there’s more!